Also added cave background, and with Illumoa, an actual reason to use the rolls. Update: Added Illumao, who is not Illuminati. Currently unimplemented in all enemies, but it will get there eventually. More will be added to him later! Also this update features darkrolls! Double tap a direction to roll past enemies. Update: Added Snek, thanks to meee! He's not 100% finished just yet, but he is definitely getting there. Includes the rudimentary Monster Achievement system. Update: Therizinosaurs is added thanks to ImaginaryZ.

Includes Grawr, Ankles, and Dinopotimus. Update 1.0: After countless hours of working on Grawr and plenty on the others, Panftr's initial release is out! Noone should post their own Panftr players. Wanna play it offline? Download the package HERE: !UV5XSQZQ!WO3JjBTv.LADAy0xbBGESpg Special thanks to ImaginaryZ for coding work! Lord knows this all wouldn't have been possible without his help. It focuses mainly on Endo/Nonfatal vore types. Panftr! Spiritual successor to Barbftr, featuring the same wonderful gameplay you're used to with an array of new, interesting creatures!